How To Get Cite An Interview In APAHow To Get Cite An Interview In APA

APA stands for the American Psychological Association. APA is considered as one of the best methods to cite a document such as an academic paper or book. The four major sections of your academic paper that are usually cited by using the APA citation style are a title page, abstract, main body of your academic paper, and references section of your academic paper. You can also cite an interview using the APA citation style. Here, we will provide some important tips that are helpful for the students to cite an interview by using the APA citation style.

Tips to cite a personal interview

An interview is the most common conversation in which different questions are asked from an interviewee and the interviewee provides the most suitable answers to these questions. An interview is considered as the one-to-one conversation. The most important tips to cite a personal interview by using the APA citation style are given below;

  • First of all, you should try to know the difference between a personal and published interview. If you conduct an interview by yourself, then it is called a personal interview. On the other hand, if an interview is conducted by the other persons and it is published for the public use, then it is called the published interview.
  • The best way to cite the personal interview by using the APA citation style is to paraphrase it or quote it directly.
  • After writing the interview with the help of the quotes or paraphrasing, most of the students don’t know how to cite this information. The best way to cite such an information is to use the parenthetical method.
  • Most of the students don’t know how to begin the interview citation process by using the APA citation style. You can begin the interview citation process with the help of the name of the subject of the interview.
  • While using the phrase, you should try to place the single space immediately after the comma. All of these things should be written by using the lower-case letters only. There is no need to use the upper-case letters for it.
  • You should try to cite the interview by using the APA citation style with the help of the parenthesis.

Tips to cite a published interview

The most important tips to cite a published interview by using the APA citation style are given below;

  • You should include the published interview at the two places. First of all, you should place it in the internal citations and in the second, you should place it in your reference list.
  • You should arrange all the information on the citation page alphabetically. Its reason is that it will be easy for the readers to find the required information with the help of this alphabetical list.
  • You should try to start it with the name of the author and try to end it with the date of the published interview.

These are the most important tips to cite an interview using the APA citation style. Anyhow, if you are not able to cite an interview using the APA citation style, then you can get help from the essay writing services.