Students in the university life are often required to write different assignments and essays. For essays it is important to write a thesis statement.
What is a Thesis Statement?
In a thesis statement you state argument about a topic and then briefly explain how to prove your argument. In thesis statement you tell the reader that what you are going to argue. A thesis statement is usually few sentences long.
What is an Argument?
An argument is the stand on an issue. According to assignment writing service, an argument tries to influence the readers about certain topic or issue. Argument is different from description or summary.
Developing a Thesis Statement
For developing a thesis statement it is important that you study the previous work done by different writers. When you study the work of others it gives you information about the background of the topic or issue that you are working on it and you can evaluate their work too. Reading recent research will help you to decide your position and write a stronger, well-informed argument.
While writing an argumentative thesis statement, there are four points that need to remember.
1. Make It Debatable
Your thesis statement should be debatable.
The example of a debatable thesis statement is:
“Alcohol should contain warning labels about the possible dangers of over-drinking.
This is debatable because people can agree or disagree with the proposal. Some might agree that alcohol labels should contain warnings about the dangers of drinking while others may feel that warning labels would be ineffective as they would not stop people from drinking. Therefore, it is a good thesis statement.”
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2. Make It Specific
Your Thesis statements should be specific and it should not be general.
The examples of focused thesis statement are
“A four-year university program is better than a three-year one because students have more time for deeper learning.’
‘Hong Kong will not become a world class city until it tackles its air pollution problem.”
3. One Controlling Argument
The thesis statement should have only one argument that is controlling.
The examples are
“Alcohol should contain warning labels about the possible dangers of over-drinking.
Alcohol consumption may negatively impact amongst university students’ GPA.
A four-year university program is better than a three-year one because students have more time for deeper learning.”
4. Make It Clear And Concise
Use a clear language in thesis statement. Do not use too many words. Your thesis statement should be clear so that your readers can understand what you are trying to say. There should be no confusions in your statement. The following example can explain how the thesis statement should be clear and concise
“Teenagers under eighteen years of age should not have driving licenses as most are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving.”
In the above thesis statement the writer’s point and position is very clear. Too many words have not been used in this statement. Clear and concise should be your goal especially when you are writing thesis statement.
About the author:
Jacob Oram is a research writer affiliated with a dissertation writing service provider company. He helps and guides students in writing, editing their academic writing tasks. He also writes on social issues, problems of youth and other topics of his interests in his free time.