How To Write Top-Grade Essay Remaining In The Word Count LimitHow To Write Top-Grade Essay Remaining In The Word Count Limit

When you are asked to write down an essay, then a prompt in the form of the guidelines to write that essay is also provided. In this prompt, some guidelines about the word count limit of an essay are also provided. While writing an essay, it is an unavoidable thing for the students to follow this word count limit. If the students don’t write the essay by following this word count limit, then they are not able to get the best grades. Moreover, this word count limit is also helpful to the students in order to enhance the authority of their content, to create engagement among the students, and to write down your essay with the help of the best content without any unnecessary detail.It is a common problem among the students that they are not able to write down an essay by remaining in the word count limit. To get rid of this problem, first of all, they should try to commence the essay writing process by making an effective plan. They are well aware of the fact that an essay consists of the three parts. The first part is known as an introduction and it should be written in the one paragraph only. In the second, there comes the body of an essay and it should be written in three paragraphs. At last, there comes the conclusion of an essay and it should be written in one paragraph only. Moreover, if we talk about the length of each part of an essay, then we come to know that the introductory part of an essay should consist of the 10% length of the whole essay. The body part of an essay should consist of the 80% length of the whole essay and the concluding part of an essay should also consist of the 10% length of the whole essay.

If you are asked to write down an essay of 1200 words, then the introduction of your essay never exceeds from the 150 words. In the second, there comes the body of your essay and each paragraph of the body should consist of the 300 paragraphs and there should be three paragraphs in the body of an essay. At last, there comes the concluding section of your essay and it should be written with the help of the 150 words only. This is a simple word count. You can also make a plan for the word count of the different sections of your own essay by keeping in mind the exact word count limit for your essay. If you are not able to make an effective plan for the word count, then you can get help from the essay writing services.

While making the first draft of an essay, there is a possibility that you are not able to get control on the word count of your essay and your essay exceeds the required word count. Under such a situation, you can reduce the word count by deleting the adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, connectives, and auxiliary words. If you are still not able to manage the word count for your essay, then you can replace the different phrases with the words by eliminating the redundancy. You can also reduce the word count by rearranging the word count as to reduce the introduction, to reduce the conclusion, to cut out the repetitive words, and to reduce the body paragraphs.